IconBuilder Assistant 1.0 IconBuilder Assistant is an Action for Adobe Photoshop. It automatically creates 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16 versions of a 128x128 image. How to Install To install IconBuilder Assistant, first launch Photoshop. Select the Options Arrow from the Actions Palette and choose [Load Actions...]. Locate the IconBuilder Assistant 1.0 Action Document and press OPEN. How to Use To use IconBuilder Assistant, you must start with a 128x128 canvas with a transparent background. (A shortcut is to double-click on the file 'icon stationary'. This will launch a new document with all the proper settings.) Next, Paste or Draw your icon. If you have multiple layers, merge them so that you have only one layer remaining. Now, play the IB Assistant action from the Actions palette. Finally, launch IconBuilder Pro from the Filters menu. You can use the QuickBuild™ feature to easily fill in the grid and the OS X icon. Select [Done] and save your new icon! _______________________________________________________ Legal IconBuilder and QuickBuild are trademarks of the IconFactory. IconBuilder Assistant is freeware. If you choose to re-distribute IconBuilder Assistant, you must not charge fees or request compensation of any kind. This document must be included with the files. You may not edit or alter this action except for your own personal use. By downloading this file, you are bound by the terms of this agreement. _______________________________________________________ IconBuilder Assistant was created by: Mathew "Doc" Halpern Visit Mad Science Laboratories on the Internet for icons, games, and whatever else we come up with in the labs. Direct your browser of choice to: http://www.madsciencelaboratories.com You can write to Doc here: doc@madsciencelaboratories.com